Mental Prison and Steps to Break Through It

Mental prison consists of all the poisonous habits which keep us stuck and shape our lives around them. We are internally shackled, either mentally, psychologically or emotionally because of them. They are further strengthened or are rather created through habit over years or lifetimes sometimes. With time, these habits become self-sabotaging as we get stuck in the rut of behaviors and reactions.
FOCUS plays an important role in defining our lives. We often times believe that we are a product of what happens to us. That our lives are simply a reaction to events that happen around us, which is a myth because only a very small portion of where we are have to do with our circumstances. The majority of it depends on how we react or respond to situations.
Three things in any given moment determine where we end up being:
- What we chose to FOCUS on in that given moment. Anytime something happens or we experience a challenge which comes along with a blessing. We only chose to focus on the challenge rather than the blessing, hence our lives become paralyzed.
- What MEANING do you assign to what you’re facing at a given point in time. Two person experiencing a similar situation could assign completely different meanings to it and therefore they respond to it differently as well. It goes all back to how we understand things, what lens do one have in seeing life and understanding circumstances. When you change the way you understand life, you change the way you respond to situations whether good or bad.
- What you’re going to DO about it, the ACTION.
These three things: what you focus on, what meaning you assign to something and the action you take determines where you end up being in life.
Often times we get STUCK — mentally, emotionally and physically. We tend to focus on the parts which are mostly negative, we do this because it works as a positive measure. In our mind we think that if we keep remembering it, replaying it, it won’t happen again. On the contrary, being fixated on the negative parts will have a counter effect due to the patterns being created by mind.
Therefore, mental discipline is required to make us move forward rather than being stuck in the past. Because past is the place of reference, not residence.
We can break mental prisons by:
- Daily practice of gratitude, being the most powerful as it helps in shifting focus towards positivity
- Remembrance of GOD
Clean your heart and fill it with positivity, in return it will attract more positivity, because we attract what we have internally.