Politi-KAL Caricatures
All my caricatures, define the different aspect of politics in Pakistan. Though not much have changed. But, I hope that PTI stands by its words and does something good for the people of Pakistan. Hope plays an important role in sustainability but it cannot be the only precedent, action is what makes it worthwhile. Words are futile, if no action is taken.

While PPP was still in power, Imran Khan and PTI started gaining momentum. Tsunami being the initial buzz word, PTI and IK ended up with Naya Pakistan. He became popular among the youngsters, for whom, he is the only hope to set the change. They believe in him because he is the only one yet not tested.

This was the time when PPP came into power, right after Pervez Musharraf. Many Prime Ministers came and went, but PPP was the only party who was able to complete 5 years in Government; one positive out of so many negatives. Setting a record for others to follow.

General Pervez Musharraf came into power in 1999 and became President of Pakistan in the year 2001 after resigning as the Chief of Joint Staffs while still being the COAS at that point in time. This drawing depicts his change in positions over the years of his rule that is 9 consecutive years.
P.S. I drew all these caricatures when the incidents actually happened.