The Lawn Fiasco

With the approaching summers, Lawn becomes one of the favorite fabrics to be worn especially for women because it’s light-weighted, flowy and breathable. Top designers and renowned companies come up with their collections, which are ground breaking in terms of patterns, embroidery, texture and of course PRICES! Not so much if you compare them with previous collections, because no matter how flashy and unique they try to make the fabric, at the end of the day it is a piece of clothing which is worn throughout the 5 or more hot summer months.
However, it is not a fabric for most of our elite bourgeoisie as it has been turned into a status symbol with each passing year. Sales are the highlights of many conversations, kitty parties and social events. Women flock to these SALES as if it’s the end of the world. The fights on a piece are worth Oscar winning. They ramble, push, scream and knock one another down just to get it first. It’s a marathon where no one gets any medal. The elitists of the society behave in a way which is unexplainable and unrealistic on many levels; unfortunately their behavior depicts our culture of show off. Enjoying this fiasco are the brands, who put up these sales and launch events because they make the maximum profit out of them.

There are almost over 200 lawn (low and high-end) brands in Pakistan which come up with their collections every season, the competition is high and so are the prices. Each suit which includes Shalwar, Kameez and Dupatta range from Rs. 3000 to Rs. 15000+. Among all the brands, designer lawn have gained momentum in the last few years hence making women much more brand conscious than ever. The craze can be gauged from the fact that most women form queues outside stores and event launches even before the opening time, just to be the first one to enter. Some even take others along to buy the most, maids are made to stand in the payment lines while Bajjis shop their hearts out.
Wealth and standards are measured from the number of bags each can hoarder after every shopping spree. This rat race is playing a negative role in our otherwise culture freaked out masses. The competition is increasing with each season and it’s not a healthy competition. So rather than being proud of flaunting their new LAWN dress at every party, these women need to hold their horses and think sensibly. The world will not end if they didn’t get their hands first on the branded lawn suit, neither will they win a Guinness World Record for boarding the most pieces in one setting.
Lawn like any other fabric is available throughout the year, billboards after billboards bear testimony to their presence.
The models shown in the ads and billboards are pitch perfect, creating an inferiority complex which can only be subdued it seems by coming first in the rat race of lawn exhibitions and sales. Brands are using jungle of billboards and advertising to market the same products again and again which are not different from last years, neither are prints that far flung as before, the patterns and motifs might have slight change of placement, but in no way it should define our women as crazy lawnmongers who can go any low just to get their hands on the latest collection.
Calm down LADIES! Don’t let these designers fool you into their greed through their advertisements.