Who Rules the World? — Noam Chomsky
The pattern of praise and punishment have been familiar throughout history: those who line up in the service of the state are typically praised by the general intellectual community and those who refuse to line up are punished. Intellectuals are privileged and with privilege comes responsibilities.
The notion of ‘the World’ defined by Israel and US is far different from the actual world in terms of the atrocities and crimes conducted on the Muslim World versus death of a few American or Israelis in retaliation of years of suppression, murder, brutality and torture but still the Muslim World is labelled as terrorists and looked down upon by the majority. The bombings conducted by CIA and other organizations have been kept top secret hence very few secrets or facts actually come out unless they become too prominent to suppress.
If we adopt to the perspective of the world we might ask which criminal are ‘wanted the world over’. The US has mainly seen its torture done for it by proxy — paying, arming, training and foreigners doing it but usually being careful to keep America at least one discreet step removed. US has been at the peak of power after World War II but since 1970’s, the US share of global wealth have fallen by 25% and industrial world have become tripolar: North America, Europe and East Asia. Though US still remains the most powerful state in the world, global power is continuing to diversify hence US is increasingly unable to impose its will.
US and its Western allies are sure to do whatever they can to prevent authentic democracy in the Arab World, which is quite evident from their support to the Israeli government over Palestinian occupation. Ever since the Oslo Accords declared Gaza and West Bank as an indivisible territorial unity, the US Israel duo have been committed to separating the two regions through illegal means, massive killings and injustices.
Gaza provides Palestine the only access to the outside world so once they are separated any autonomy that Israel might grant to Palestinians to the West Bank would leave them effectively imprisoned between two hostile states, Israel and Jordan. Israel is in a fine position today to reverse its decade old policy of separating Gaza from the West Bank and observe a major ceasefire agreement for the first time.
At least temporarily the threat of democracy in neighboring Egypt have diminished and the brutal Egyptian military dictator would be a welcome ally for Israel in maintaining control over Gaza. But Israel doesn’t seem to be interested in such a proposal and continues to remain persistent its in dealings with Palestinians due to US constant military, economic, diplomatic and ideological support.
US invaded Iraq resulting in hundreds of thousands killed and millions of refugees along with barbarous torture and destructions. Meanwhile igniting sectarian conflict that is tearing the region to shreds and laying the basis for ISIS monstrosity along with their ally Saudi Arabia is categorized as ‘stabilization’. On the other hand, Iran poses no military threat, its strategic doctrines are defensive and its nuclear program (have no effect to produce bombs as far as intelligence can determine) are a central part of US’s deterrent strategy.
US and Israel with Saudi Arabia are trying their best to join the club with its invasion of Bahrain (to support the crushing of a reform movement there) and now its murderous assault on Yemen have accelerated a growing humanitarian catastrophe in the country.
We cannot gain a realistic understanding of Who Rules the World while ignoring the ‘Masters of Mankind’ — multinational conglomerates, huge financial institutions, retail empires and the like. Therefore it is important that the citizens of the rich and powerful states who enjoy an unusual legacy of freedom, privilege and opportunity, question and challenge their leaders and the policies imposed by them over other countries.