World Order — Henry Kissinger
Concept of World Order was defined and its implementation were determined in Europe. Before that, with no means of interacting with each other on a substantial basis and no framework for measuring the power of one region against another, each order vowed its own as unique and defined others as barbarians. The structure established in the Peace of Westphalia represented the first attempt to institutionalize order on the basis of agreed rules and limits and to base it on a multiplicity of powers rather than the dominance of a single country. Westphalian system spread around the world as the framework for a state based international order spanning over multiple civilizations and regions.
After the collapse of Soviet Union, America emerged as the new super power. China followed suit with its emerging economy, today China and America are both indispensable pillars of the world order — historically both have exhibited an ambivalent attitude towards the international order they now anchor. The essence of building a constructive world order is that no single country whether US or China is in a position to fill by itself the world order leadership role that US occupied after Cold War period when it was materially and psychologically preeminent. American policy is to prevent hegemony in Asia while China’s policy is to keep potentially adversarial forces from its borders.
American foreign policy reflects the conviction that its domestically self-evidently universal and its application at all times is salutary. The openness of American culture and its democratic principles made US a model and refugee for millions. However its compulsion to attack Afghanistan and later on Iraq is one the challenges which has no answer to it. The wreck has left the world in havoc. Facts are rarely self explanatory: their significance, analysis and interpretation at least in the foreign policy world depend on content and relevance. Hence the concept of truth is relativized and individualized, losing its universal character.
The Westphalian system followed by US today did not supply a sense of direction, it dealt with methods of allocating and preserving power but gave no answer to the problem of how to generate legitimacy. The structure of the 21st century world order lacks in 4 important dimensions:
- The nature of the state itself
- Political and economical organizations of the world are at variance with one another
- Absence of an effective mechanism for the great powers to consult and possibly cooperate on the most consequential issues
- American leadership has been indispensable, tries to sought a balance between stability and advocacy of universal principles not always reconcilable with the principles of sovereign noninterference
In today’s time for US the quest of world order functions on two levels:
- The celebration of universal principles needs to be paired with a recognition of the reality of other regions histories and cultures
- A purposeful American role will be philosophically and geo-politically imperative for the challenges
Though the book is well researched and is full of historical and political information; it is often biased as the author gives 100% credit to US for being the ideal nation. US at times have committed crimes in history which no other nation have, yet this book glorifies America as a well balanced country in today’s world who wants to do good for all. This notion might be true to a certain extend but it does not qualify US as a fair country, it is the biggest and most influential one who knows how to manipulate power for its use. Highly recommended for those who are interested in world politics and history as the book offers an interesting account of the trials and tribulations of world politics which shape the policies or lack of them to remain in power.